This is my first attempt at a blog, so please forgive any breaches of etiquette.
Today is election day 2008, a historic day no matter which way it turns out. A lot of people think they know how it will turn out, but nobody is sure. Kind of like the speculations about how things will happen when Jesus comes back. But that's a different topic.
I've had the interesting experience in recent days of being in two crowds of people, both Christian gatherings, both full of people who love God, love the Bible, love the church, love people, and love America. In each of those crowds it was pretty clear that most of the people felt very strongly that God favored one of the two main candidates for president, and they knew which one. But the two groups picked two different candidates as God's favorite.
I believe God cares about who our next president is, and I'm pretty sure which one God wanted me to vote for. But that doesn't necessarily mean that's the one God wants to win.
Some people give you the impression that everyone who knows how to read the Bible or hear from God will vote the same way, and anybody who votes the other way doesn't know how to hear God or understand the Bible. I don't believe that is true. I believe God could tell you to vote for candidate A and me to vote for candidate B, for God's own reasons. Maybe he doesn't want a landslide. At any rate, I don't think it is legitimate to judge a person's spiritual state by their politics.
More important, whatever the outcome, we all have to live with it, and we all have to live with it together. No matter who is in the White House, as Christians we all have to live together in God's house. Jesus said the world will know we are Christians by how we love one another, not by who we voted for.
The bottom line is, Jesus is the savior of the world, not John McCain or Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Sarah Palin. And when the election is over, God calls us all to pray for our new president, whoever that might be. Heaven knows they need it. Heaven knows we need it.
About Me
- Pastor David
- I serve as pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Annapolis, MD. I'm married to beautiful Paula, mother of my 4 sons and one daughter. I was a systems engineer before entering ministry 29 years ago.