“These signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name . . . they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” – Jesus, in Mark 16:17-18
God heals in many ways. Most healing happens through the natural healing mechanisms God built into our bodies. Our immune system fights disease. White blood cells battle infections. Broken bones knit. Wounds are covered with fresh skin. Emotional and spiritual healing is not so automatic, but God provides for it nonetheless.
Sometimes we need help with healing. God has given us wonderful gifts of medicine and surgery and therapy and other interventions, and the people who are skilled in them.
Prayer for healing is not over against these other God-given means of healing. Rather, it complements and works with them.
Sometimes God chooses to answer our healing prayers by speeding up natural healing or increasing the effectiveness of medical treatment. Sometimes God chooses to answer our healing prayers by immediately making us feel better. If you feel that you have been divinely healed of an issue for which you have been under doctor’s care, do not make any change in your medication or other treatment protocol until you check with your doctor.
Sometimes it seems God has healed one problem and left another alone. Sometimes it seems that prayers need to pile up over time, then suddenly something happens. Sometimes there is a warm feeling or a tingling or some other physical sensation during healing prayer. And sometimes it may seem that God has done nothing at all. Those experienced in this ministry say that about half the people who are healed through prayer report feeling nothing special during the prayer time.
God heals in many ways, some of which we may not even recognize as healing. Our part is to be obedient by praying, or by asking someone to pray for us. The Bible says, You do not have, because you do not ask. (James 4:2)
Where can you ask for healing prayer? Church is a natural place. I love to see people praying for each other during the coffee time. Bible studies, prayer meetings, even committee meetings are wonderful opportunities for prayer. Healing prayer is part of our Communion services (the first Sunday of every month) and the Flowing in the Spirit gatherings (the second and fourth Sunday evenings). Many people are healed as others pray for them in their homes or even in the grocery store. Any place you can pray, you can pray for healing.
One time specifically set aside for healing prayer is during the Annapolis Healing Rooms. Individualized prayer from trained intercessors is available at a variety of times and places. You can find more details online at annapolishealingrooms.blogspot.com.
Jesus taught us to pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is no sickness in heaven. Let’s pray and trust God to bring that about more and more on earth as well.
About Me
- Pastor David
- I serve as pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Annapolis, MD. I'm married to beautiful Paula, mother of my 4 sons and one daughter. I was a systems engineer before entering ministry 29 years ago.